July 27, 2024

Youth in farming is the best way to develop Ghana – Kwadwo Safo Jnr

According to Apostle Kwadwo Safo’s son, Nana Kwadwo Safo Jnr., today’s youngsters in Ghana are slackers.

He argues that the government is not to blame for the issues that most young people experience because of their own apathy and sloth.

A post by Nana Kwadwo Safo Jnr, which he quickly removed, suggested that young people may stop blaming the government for their issues if they took up farming.

“Youth in farming is the way forward. In every small way, anyone can. Plant something, Government isn’t responsible for it all. No. We the youth should also take responsibility,’” he said.

As if to prove his claim, Nana Kwadwo Safo Jnr. implied that all young Ghanaians want to work in comfortable, air-conditioned offices doing white-collar work. Getting their hands dirty and putting forth the effort is too much for them.

“The youth of today are honestly lazy. Nobody wants to get his hands dirty,” he concluded .

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